Recently I undertook a hunt for a certificate authority which would issue Windows Authenticate code signing certificates to private individuals. There are lots of certificate authorities which issue code signing certificates, but almost all of them only issue them to businesses / organisations. Despite that bleak outlook, I believe that I've found a CA which does issue code signing certificates to individuals: Trustwave SSL.

Unfortunately, their certificates come at the rather expensive price of ~200 GBP per year. This is a shame, as I can't really justify £200 per year for something which I don't strictly need. Had they been asking for something closer to GoDaddy's ~120 GBP per year, I might well have purchased one, but students can only stretch so far.

If you happen to be in the market for a Windows code signing certificate for an individual, then Trustwave might be able to help you. If you do try and get one, or find another CA which issues them to individuals, then let me know (via comments or email).